Improving Prolapse E-Guide
Download this e-guide to learn more about prolapse and the process of improving symptoms. This guide covers:
What is prolapse and the types of prolapse
Typical signs and symptoms of prolapse
How prolapse develops
Tips for improving symptoms
The pathway to less symptoms
Video lesson walking you through step 1 of the prolapse management process. Learning to connect correctly.
The Tight Pelvic FLoor mini E-GUide
Download this e-guide to get started on resolving your pelvic floor tightness. This e-guide covers:
Recognizing symptoms of pelvic floor tightness.
Understanding Why your pelvic floor is tight.
Understanding pelvic floor triggers.
What is the process for resolving tightness.
Video lesson walking you through step 1 of the process to resolving your pelvic floor tightness.