Exercise physiology for women’s health?

If you are wondering what an Exercise Physiologist is and what we do, we are experts in exercise and physiology. We deliver movement-based interventions to address chronic health conditions. We understand how progressive exercise programming plays a role in the body’s ability to adapt and can therefore use prescriptive exercise to alter a person’s physiology and significantly improve health markers and their quality of life. 

We are different to Physiotherapists and take a ‘hands off’ approach to treatment. We teach you to understand your body and what types of exercise, what intensities of exercise and how often you might need to exercise in order to improve your health and live a better quality of life.

pelvic floor dysfunction /prolapse

Our signature Pelvic Health Rehab Program has been designed to help women navigate and improve symptoms of:

  • Urinary and fecal incontinence

  • Urinary urgency and frequency

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Pelvic floor tightness

  • Pain with intimacy

Symptoms such as these may be impacting daily life or only during exercise. Learn more about how our Pelvic Health Rehab Program can support you to improve your pelvic health symptoms.

endometriosis and adenomyosis

Our signature Endo Rehab Program has been designed with the endo warrior mind. We use exercise prescription to improve:

  • Pelvic floor tightness symptoms such as difficulty with emptying your bladder or bowels

  • Ongoing and cyclic pain such as pelvic pain, low back and hip pain or lower abdominal pain

  • Pain during intimacy or insertion

  • Being able to navigate exercise without pain flare ups

  • Your feelings of control over your Endometriosis

Our Endo Rehab Program is step one to resolving pain, improving pelvic floor function and being able to get out of restorative movement and move into exercise specific for health and fitness.

Polycystic Ovarian SYndrome (PCOS)

Correct exercise programming is extremely important for managing PCOS. With the right program exercise can:

  • Improve insulin sensitivity

  • Assist with hormonal balance and restore menstrual cycle regularity

  • Reduce chronic inflammation

  • Improve body composition

  • Improve mental health

We find those with PCOS need varying levels of support. Click the ‘Enquire Now’ button below and let’s create a tailored support program to help you reach your goals.

Fertility and reproductive health

Exercise matters when it comes to improving your reproductive health. Programming is largely influenced by the underlying concerns impacting reproductive health and fertility including:

  • Endometriosis and adenomyosis

  • PCOS

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

  • Hypothalamic amenorrhea

  • Energy availability affected by over exercising and disordered eating

  • Improving health markers impacting reproductive health

  • Chronic Inflammation

  • Other chronic health conditions

We can also provide exercise programs when trying to conceive or going through fertility treatments to increase your chances of conceiving, reduce risks of miscarriage and optimise your baby’s health as it grows.

We find those seeking help during the fertility window require varying levels or support. Click the ‘Enquire Now’ button below and let’s create a tailored support program to help you reach your goals.


We are able to support you through pregnancy whether this is for:

  • General safety in exercise for each trimester

  • Improve symptoms of and reduce risks of pelvic floor dysfunction and prolapse

  • Resolve pregnancy related back pain

  • Address pelvic girdle pain (SIJ pain or pubic symphysis dysfunction)

  • Prevent and manage gestational diabetes

We also dive deep into education about birth prep and ensuring you are well equipped for labor and the post partum recovery period.

We find those who are pregnant require varying levels or support. Click the ‘Enquire Now’ button below and let’s create a tailored support program to help you reach your goals.

post natal recovery

Post natal exercise programming can be at any point of your post birth journey. Whether this is 3 weeks, 3 months or 3 years we can assist you:

  • Retrain and strengthen your deep core

  • Resolve symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction (incontinence, frequency and urgency)

  • Address pelvic organ prolapse

  • Resolve diastasis recti (abdominal separation)

  • Return to exercise safely and effectively

We find those needing support post-natal fit within our signature Pelvic Health Rehab program. 12 weeks to fully retrain and strength the deep core to improve your health after having a baby.

transition into menopause

We work with woman of all ages who are experiencing symptoms related to perimenopause and menopause. We can program exercise effectively to address:

  • Osteopenia, osteoporosis and bone fractures

  • Pelvic floor symptoms

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Reduce risks associated with Cardiovascular disease

  • Weight management and body composition

  • Mood and mental health

If you are experiencing any of the above or more an individualised exercise program can be extremely beneficial in supporting the changes caused by lower levels of hormones. Click the ‘Enquire Now’ button below and let’s create a tailored support program to help you reach your goals.

looking for something else?

Our signature programs are designed for each women’s health concern to bring you the absolute best service that gets genuine results. They have been designed in ways that allow the evidence to be applied and thus progress through stages of programming to help you achieve your goals.

But in some cases the programs are not the right fit.

We have a range of consultations that are appropriate for varying stages of the female lifecycle and have more flexibility in their use.

If you are looking for support through one of our one to one programs or need help navigating which service is most suitable for you, please fill out an enquiry form by CLICKING HERE.